Decided to redo myself all the irrigation for our yard, 8 zones including lawn and drip. Had done this before, mostly relying on Home Depot.
These guys saved me time, money and frustration and made this experience interesting and fun.
They looked at my plans and offered advice after advice saving scores of mistakes I would have done. They reviewed calculations and diagrams and build a complete shopping list. I got 95%+ of what I needed in one trip - this is very significant to anyone who tried this as a homeowner.
Some of great advice I got included: Call your water company to get the water pressure at the meter. Use a flexible funny pipe for each head so you can move the sprinkler around easily. Help to determine if a 1in valve would service the 12 sprinklers I had in mind. And significant help to not forget to buy a few pieces that you only discover when you are on the job ...
On top of that prices were lower that HD (!) sometimes by 30% (e.g. for valves). Actually I do not believe that anything was more expensive than HD...
They made this work fun fast and interesting for me !!